Colleges Are Experimenting With New Types Of Mental Health Treatment

The New York Times (2/21, Wolverton) reports that “colleges are struggling to keep up with an increase in requests for mental health counseling,” so “many have hired additional staff members and are experimenting with new approaches to treatment.” The article discusses three colleges taking “new approaches to treatment”: UCLA, Kent State, and Jefferson Community College in Watertown, NY. Some treatment techniques include “internet-based screenings and online mental health treatment,” as well as “‘resilience peers’ who are not licensed to provide counseling but who offer a release valve for stressed-out students.” The article also highlights “a ‘wraparound’ model” that provides “an assortment of services outside of traditional talk therapy that help students address their overall well-being.”

Related Links:

— “Colleges Expand Their Reach to Address Mental Health Issues, “Brad Wolverton, The New York Times, February 21, 2019

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