Compound found in personal care products may be linked to early puberty

NBC News (9/10, Carroll ) reports “the age when girls hit puberty has been falling at an alarming rate for decades,” and “new research suggests a compound found in a wide variety of products – from cosmetics to air fresheners to detergents and soaps – may send a signal to an area of the brain that triggers the start of puberty.” While “combing through 10,000 compounds in a library of licensed pharmaceuticals, environmental chemicals and dietary supplements, the researchers found several that might influence the timing of puberty.” However, “children were most likely to be exposed to only one of them: musk ambrette, according to the report.” The findings were published in Endocrinology.

Related Links:

— “Early puberty may be linked to a common chemical used in personal care products,”Linda Carroll, NBC News, September 10, 2024

Posted in In The News.