The Hill (11/3, Choi) reported drugmakers “have agreed to increase their production of stimulant medications like Adderall to help address the ongoing shortage in the U.S., with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) making changes to its quota process.” DEA Administrator Anne Milgram said the agency contacted 18 drugmakers and got positive responses from 17 of them to increase production under higher quotas. Additionally, Milgram “shared steps the DEA was taking to increase transparency among drugmakers including requiring them to submit anticipated production timelines to the DEA before they receive their quota allotments; requiring manufacturers to apply for such allotments on a quarterly basis as opposed to annually; requiring digital reporting on how much of a drug is being produced and shipped; [and] specifying whether a company’s quota allotment is for domestic production or export.”
Related Links:
— “Adderall makers agree to increase production: DEA,”Joseph Choi , The Hill, November 3, 2023