Deficits in processing speed negatively affects memory in individuals with acquired brain injury

Healio (2/16, Herpen) reported, “Deficits in processing speed negatively affects memory in individuals with acquired brain injury, strongly suggesting lack of memory recall is associated with poor processing and information acquisition, data show.” The research “included 63 individuals aged 18 to 70 years,” all of whom “were living with a chronic” acquired brain injury, “were at least 1 year post-injury and had no diagnosis of alcohol or substance use disorders, schizophrenia or bipolar diagnosis and no current use of benzodiazepines or other psychostimulants.” The findings were published in Brain Injury.

Related Links:

— “Processing deficits negatively impact memory in adults with acquired brain injury,”Robert Herpen, Healio, February 16, 2024

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