Exposure To American Football At Younger Age Strongly Linked To Worse Cognitive Performance And Resilience Among Men, Study Finds

Healio (8/1, Herpen) reports, “Among men who played American football, researchers found that exposure to the sport at a younger age was strongly associated with worse cognitive performance and resilience, particularly in those who lived to at least 60 years.” Analyzing “data from the UNITE Brain Bank within the CTE Center at” Boston University, researchers “found that in those aged 60 years or older at the time of donation, strong associations existed between younger [age of first exposure to football] and worse performance on the [Cognitive Difficulties Scale], [Meta Cognition Index] and overall worse scores for all three composites.” The findings were presented at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference.

Related Links:

— “Younger exposure to football linked to worse cognitive outcomes in later life,”Robert Herpen, Healio, August 1, 2024

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