Fear Of Needles May Impact COVID-19 Vaccination Effort

NBC News (3/8) reports on how TV news stories about the coronavirus vaccination effort “are all illustrated with footage of needles sinking into exposed upper arms,” and “more than causing squeamish people to look away or change the channel, researchers say such illustrations could hamper efforts to get a broad swath of U.S. residents vaccinated.” APA President Jeffrey Geller said, “Some people avoid needles because of fear of pain, some from fear of fainting. And some people do faint.” Meanwhile, “Public health messaging should avoid drawings that exaggerate the size of needles or syringes, ‘which are not helpful,’ said Geller, noting that the covid vaccinations involve ‘a small syringe and needle.’”

Related Links:

— “Fear of needles may keep many people away from Covid vaccines “Julie Appleby, NBC News, March 8, 2021

Posted in In The News.