Healthcare Workers Now Seeing Signs Of Mental Health Problems In Survivors Of Hurricane Michael

The AP (10/21, Reeves) reported healthcare “workers say they are seeing signs of mental problems in residents more than a week after” Hurricane Michael ravaged parts of Florida, “and the issues could continue as a short-term disaster turns into a long-term recovery that will take years.” Looking back at the psychological aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in Louisiana, researchers found in one study that “five years after the storm, parents reported more than 37 percent of children had been clinically diagnosed with depression, anxiety, or a behavior disorder.” As for adults now struggling in the aftermath of Hurricane Michael, one expert “said most people will be back to where they were within a year or so, but others will have difficulty for a longer period.”

Related Links:

— ““I don’t feel real”: Mental stress mounting after Michael, “Jay Reeves, AP, October 21, 2018.

Posted in In The News.