HHS Awards Grants To Address Healthcare Worker Burnout, Improve Mental Health, Well-Being

Modern Healthcare (1/20, Goldman, Subscription Publication) reports HHS has chosen the 45 “grantees for $103 million to address healthcare worker burnout and improve employees’ mental health and well-being, the department announced Thursday.” The grants “will fund projects including hiring resiliency trainers to support healthcare staff, establishing health system-wide wellness programs and devising initiatives to overcome the stigma associated with healthcare workers seeking mental health treatment.” Fierce Healthcare (1/20, King) reports the program “will give $28.6 million to 10 grantees to help healthcare organizations create or expand mental health and well-being programs. Another $68.2 million will go towards 34 grantees to create evidence-based training development in health and nursing training activities.

Related Links:

— “HHS awards grants to tackle health worker burnout, well-being “Maya Goldman, Modern Healthcare, January 20, 2022

Posted in In The News.