The Wall Street Journal (6/22, Hughes, Radnofsky, Subscription Publication) reports House Republicans are expected to unveil proposals for reforming the US health insurance system today, offering tax credits to pay for private insurance to replace the Affordable Care Act. The Journal says the broad plan leaves out many details, and is intended to give voters an idea of GOP healthcare policy ideas before this fall’s elections, with more specifics to come next year.
The AP (6/22, Werner) reports that the plan also “includes other largely familiar GOP ideas such as medical liability reform and expanding access to health savings accounts.” It “proposes putting $25 billion behind high-risk pools for people with pre-existing conditions and for others, and transforming the federal-state Medicaid program for the poor by turning it into state block grants or individual per-capita allotments to hold down spending.”
Related Links:
— “House Republicans Unveil Health-Insurance Proposal,” LOUISE RADNOFSKY and SIOBHAN HUGHES, Wall Street Journal, June 22, 2016.