Intensive Treatment For Hypertension May Decrease Risk Of Developing Mild Cognitive Impairment, Study Suggests

The CBS Evening News (1/28, story 9, 1:50, Glor) reported, “A new study finds lowering blood pressure could rut the risk of developing a brain disorder that can lead the Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.”

The New York Times (1/28, Belluck) reports researchers “found that people with hypertension who received intensive treatment to lower their blood pressure were less likely than those receiving standard blood pressure treatment to develop minor memory and thinking problems that often progress to dementia.” The findings were published online in JAMA.

Medscape (1/28, Brooks, Subscription Publication) reports that in the 9,361-patient, “Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial Memory and Cognition in Decreased Hypertension (SPRINT MIND)” study, investigators found that “targeting systolic blood pressure (SBP) to 120 mmHg lowered the risk for” mild cognitive impairment (MCI) “by 19% compared with targeting to 140 mmHg.”

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