Internet Addiction May Impact Teens’ Attention, Working Memory, Study Finds

CNN (6/4, Rogers ) reports, “Teens who spend lots of time on social media have complained of feeling like they can’t pay attention to more important things like homework or time with loved ones.” Now, “a new study has possibly captured that objectively, finding that for teens diagnosed with internet addiction, signaling between brain regions important for controlling attention, working memory and more was disrupted.” The results “are from a review, published Tuesday in the journal PLOS Mental Health, of 12 neuroimaging studies of a few hundred adolescents ages 10 to 19 between 2013 and 2022.” The article adds, “Technology addictions have become prevalent enough for the American Psychiatric Association to include it as a topic in its presidential initiative for 2023 to 2024, said [Dr. Smita] Das, immediate past-chair of the APA’s council on addictions.”

Related Links:

— “How internet addiction may affect your teen’s brain, according to a new study,”Kristen Rogers, CNN, June 4, 2024

Posted in In The News.