MDD The Most Observed Psychiatric Comorbidity In RA, Study Finds

HCP Live (5/28, Derman) reports, “In a recent study, major depressive disorder (MDD) was the most observed comorbidity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), followed by somatoform disorder and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).” In the study, researchers wrote, “It was surprising that almost 80% of participants reported some degree of psychological distress in the form of major depression, somatoform disorders, and generalized anxiety disorder, which is one and half times more than reported in the literature.” The findings were published in Reumatologia.

Related Links:

— “Major Depressive Disorder Is the Most Observed Psychiatric Comorbidity in RA,”Chelsie Derman, HCP Live, May 28, 2024

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