Military Suicides Increase As Much As 20% As Pandemic, Deployments Take Toll

The AP (9/27, Baldor, Burns) reports military suicides “have increased by as much as 20% this year compared to the same period in 2019, and some incidents of violent behavior have spiked as service members struggle under COVID-19, war-zone deployments, national disasters and civil unrest.” While the data “is incomplete and causes of suicide are complex, Army and Air Force officials say they believe the pandemic is adding stress to an already strained force.” And senior Army leaders “– who say they’ve seen about a 30% jump in active duty suicides so far this year – told The Associated Press that they are looking at shortening combat deployments.”

Forbes (9/27, Reimann) also reports.

Related Links:

— “Military suicides up as much as 20% in COVID era “Lolita C. Baldor and Robert Burns, AP, September 27, 2020

Posted in In The News.