Millions Of People May Need To Overcome Fear Of Needles For The Vaccine Rollout

CNN International (1/12, Smith) reports that millions of Americans are frightened of needles, according to a 2018 metanalytic study published in the Journal of Advanced Nursing. Now, “as Covid-19 vaccines roll out across the globe, addressing such fears is essential to public health.” APA President Dr. Jeffrey Geller is quoted saying, “Phobia is a fear and anxiety about a specific stimulus.” CNN International adds, “About 30% of people will experience an anxiety disorder in their lifetime, Geller said. Of those, between 7% and 9% of individuals have a specific phobia.” Individuals “with relatively mild fear of needles might be able to cope with their anxiety by practicing relaxation techniques on their own, Geller explained.” He said, “There are many meditation techniques that one can be taught.”

Related Links:

— “Millions have a real fear of needles. Overcoming that is critical for the vaccine rollout “Jen Rose Smith, CNN, January 12, 2021

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