More People Die Each Year By Suicide Than In War, WHO Says

Reuters (9/9, Kelland) reports that around the world, “one person takes their own life every 40 seconds, and more people die by suicide every year than in war, the World Health Organization” announced on Sept. 9. The “most common suicide methods” are “hanging, poisoning and shooting…the WHO said as it urged governments to adopt suicide prevention plans to help people cope with stress and to reduce access to suicide means.”

CNN (9/9, Hunt) reports the “WHO said close to 800,000 people die by suicide every year, more than those lost to malaria, breast cancer, or war and homicide, calling it a ‘serious global public health issue.’” Additionally, “it said only 38 countries had suicide prevention strategies.”

Related Links:

— “Suicide kills one person every 40 seconds, says WHO, “Kate Kelland, Reuters, September 9, 2019

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