NIAID’s Fauci Provides Overview Of Lessons Learned, Remaining Challenges From COVID-19 Pandemic

Healio (5/2, Gramigna) reported, “Anthony S. Fauci, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, provided an overview of lessons learned and remaining challenges” from the COVID-19 pandemic at the American Psychiatric Association’s virtual annual meeting. Discussing “psychiatric outcomes of the COVID-19 pandemic,” Dr. Fauci also “referenced a CDC study conducted in June 2020 that surveyed 5,470 U.S. adults and found 41% reported one or more adverse mental or behavioral health condition,” including “31% with anxiety or depression symptoms, 26% with trauma or stressor-related disorder symptoms, 13% who initiated or increased substance use and 11% who seriously considered suicide.”

Related Links:

— “Fauci gives overview of lessons learned from COVID-19 pandemic at APA annual meeting “Joe Gramigna, Healio, May 2, 2021

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