Once Saluted As Heroes, Healthcare Workers Now Face Threats, Violence

The AP (9/29, Hollingsworth, Schulte) reports, “More than a year after US health care workers on the front lines against COVID-19 were saluted as heroes with nightly clapping from windows and balconies, some are being issued panic buttons in case of assault and ditching their scrubs before going out in public for fear of harassment.” Across the United States, “doctors and nurses are dealing with hostility, threats and violence from patients angry over safety rules designed to keep the scourge from spreading.” Some healthcare professionals “have been accused of killing patients by grieving family members who don’t believe COVID-19 is real.” Healthcare systems across the country are taking protective measures to deal with the “increase in violence where they work.”

Related Links:

— “Health workers once saluted as heroes now get threats ” Heather Hollingsworth And Grant Schulte, AP, September 29, 2021

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