Over 40 State AGs Urge Congress To Require Surgeon General Warning Labels On Social Media Apps

CNN (9/10, Seher ) reports “a bipartisan group of” 42 “attorneys general on Tuesday demanded that Congress require Surgeon General warning labels on social media apps to help curtail addiction and a mental health crisis among young adults.” The AGs’ letter to Congress said, “As state Attorneys General, we sometimes disagree about important issues, but all of us share an abiding concern for the safety of the kids in our jurisdictions – and algorithm-driven social media platforms threaten that safety.” The AGs said, “In addition to the states’ historic efforts, this ubiquitous problem requires federal action – and a surgeon general’s warning on social media platforms, though not sufficient to address the full scope of the problem, would be one consequential step toward mitigating the risk of harm to youth.”

The Washington Post (9/10, Lima ) reports, “In their letter to Congress, the state attorneys general said a social media warning label ‘would not only highlight the inherent risks that social media platforms presently pose for young people, but also complement other efforts to spur attention, research, and investment into the oversight of social media platforms.’”

Related Links:

— “42 state attorneys general demand a Surgeon General warning label for social media apps,”Jason Seher, CNN, September 10, 2024

Posted in In The News.