Over Three-Quarters Of Americans Believe School Staff Play Crucial Role In Identifying Signs Of Mental Health Problems In Students, Poll Shows

Psychiatric News (8/23) reported, “More than three-quarters of Americans (84%) believe school staff play a crucial role in identifying signs of mental health problems in students, but less than half (45%) believe most school staff have been trained in identifying these concerns, according to the latest Healthy Minds Monthly Poll, commissioned by APA and fielded by Morning Consult.” Investigators also found “that Americans are widely supportive of education about mental health in school, with 89% saying that students should be educated about mental health and the same number saying that school staff should participate in mental health trainings.” APA President Ramaswamy Viswanathan, MD, “affirmed the importance of mental health training for school staff” in a statement, saying, “One of the best things we can do in light of the youth mental health crisis is to give children and teenagers, and the people that are around them most days, the tools to understand what to do if someone isn’t feeling right.

Related Links:

— “Majority of Americans Believe Schools Play a Vital Role in Youth Mental Health, Psychiatric News , August 23, 2024

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