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Scan Study Links Brain Damage With Blows To Head During Sports.

The Baltimore Sun (3/13) reported that a recent study published last month in the journal Neurobiology of Disease “adds to growing evidence linking football with brain damage.” Results of the study, in which Johns Hopkins researchers examined retired NFL players, “add to a growing body of research and anecdotal accounts associating brain disease with the blows to the head that are a common part of football and other sports.”

Related Links:

— “Imaging study looks at brain injury in former NFL players,”Arthur Hirsch, The Baltimore Sun, March 13, 2015.

Some Employers Addressing Mental Health Issues In The Corporate World.

US News & World Report (3/14, Wang) reported that “one in four adults – approximately 61 million Americans – experiences mental illness every year, according to a study by National Alliance on Mental Illness,” and many of these people are in the workforce. Now, “some leaders in the corporate world have…adopted emotional health of their employees as a priority,” helping employees to reach their full potential. Such programs pay off in increased productivity, decreased absenteeism “and other indirect costs.” But, despite such progress, “the most challenging part of mental health issue in the corporate world is still getting rid of the stigma, said Clare Miller, director of partnership for Workplace Mental Health at American Psychiatric Foundation,” the educational and philanthropic arm of the American Psychiatric Association. Miller stated, “If you are an employer and are educating the employees about mental health, you are really sending out that message that it’s okay to reach out for help.”

Related Links:

— “Mental Health: A New Priority in Corporate America,”Nancy Wang, US News & World Report , March 13, 2015.

Army Orders Probe Of Substance Abuse Clinics.

USA Today (3/15, Zoroya) reports Army Secretary John McHugh and Gen. Ray Odierno, the Army chief of staff, have issued a directive ordering “inspections of all 54 of the service’s substance abuse clinics” following allegations made by the USA Today that “half of out-patient treatment centers are operating at substandard levels” and soldiers are being denied services they need. The articles notes that the inspections, which are to be allowed “unfettered access to ‘Army activities, personnel, locations, organizations and documents,’” are to be concluded within 90 days.

Related Links:

— “Army probes failing program following USA TODAY report,”Gregg Zoroya, USA Today , March 14, 2015.

Baby Boomers Abusing Prescription Medicines At Increasingly Higher Rates.

On its front page, the Wall Street Journal (3/16, A1, Elinson, Subscription Publication) reports, in a nearly 2,500-word story, on the increasingly higher rates at which 76 million aging baby boomers are abusing prescription medicines, getting arrested, and dying from accidental overdoses. The Journal adds that this particular population abused substances at higher rates than any other generation during their youth. The trend has attracted the attention and concern of Federal health officials, including those from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). Wilson Compton, Deputy Director of NIDA, is quoted as saying, “As the baby boomers have aged and brought their habits with them into middle age, and now into older adult groups, we are seeing marked increases in overdose deaths.”

Related Links:

— “Aging Baby Boomers Bring Drug Habits Into Middle Age,”Zusha Elinson, The Wall Street Journal, March 16, 2015.

IOM: Raising Legal Age To Buy Cigarettes To 21 Would Slash Smoking Rate, Save Lives

Major newspapers, wire sources and media outlets cover the release of a report yesterday by the Institute of Medicine suggesting that raising the legal age to purchase cigarettes to age 21 in the US would greatly reduce the number of people who take up smoking and would also prevent a large number of deaths and health issues.

USA Today (3/13, Szabo) reports that a report released March 12 by the Institute of Medicine and requested by the Food and Drug Administration suggests that “raising the legal age to buy cigarettes to 21 would slash the smoking rate and save hundreds of thousands of lives by the end of the century.” According to USA Today, “the report stems from the 2009 law” called the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act “that gives the Food and Drug Administration authority to regulate tobacco.” Under the law, the FDA was forbidden “from setting a legal buying age for tobacco older than 18, but required…to study the consequences of such a change.”

Related Links:

— “Raising tobacco age would save lives, report says,” Liz Szabo, USA Today, March 12, 2015.

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