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Survey: Many Young Adults Abusing Stimulant Medications For AD/HD

HealthDay (11/14, Haelle) reports that according to a survey sponsored by the group Partnership for Drug-Free Kids, approximately 20 percent of college students abuse “prescription stimulants.” In the online survey of some 1,600 young people ranging in age from 18 to 25, about a 1,000 of whom were attending college, young adults reported using the medicines “to help them stay awake, study or improve their work or school performance.” Notably, “the most commonly abused stimulants are those typically prescribed for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD)…the survey found.”

Related Links:

— “ADHD Stimulant Drug Abuse Common Among Young Adults: Survey,” Tara Haelle, HealthDay, November 13, 2014.

Study: Injuries Increase With Higher Alcohol Consumption

The Washington Post (11/13, Ingraham) “Wonkblog” reports that according to a study to appear in the journal Addiction, the more alcohol people consume, the more likely they are to injure themselves. After analyzing “surveys filled out by 13,000 people – hailing from 18 countries – who found themselves drunk and in the” emergency department because they hurt themselves, researchers found that an individual who has “consumed three drinks in the past six hours is about 4.6 times as likely to end up in the [ED] as someone who hasn’t drunk at all.” Just one drink approximately doubles a person’s chances of ending up having to go to the hospital.

Related Links:

— “Study: Having just one drink doubles your risk of getting injured,” Christopher Ingraham, Washington Post, November 12, 2014.

UN Committee Against Torture Voices Concern Over Conversion Therapy In The US.

Medscape (11/13, Brooks) reports that according to a November 7 news release from the National Center for Lesbian Rights, “the United Nations Committee Against Torture (CAT) has voiced concern over the ‘dangerous and discredited’ practice of conversion therapy for lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgendered (LGBT) youth in the” US. On November 11, “several CAT members asked US Department of State representatives why conversion therapy is still being practiced on LGBT youth after the practice was condemned by an array of major medical organizations and health and social welfare groups.” The American Psychiatric Association, for example, “states that ‘reparative’ and conversion therapies are ‘at odds’ with the scientific position of the APA, which has maintained, since 1973, that homosexuality per se is not a mental disorder.”

Related Links:

Medscape (requires login and subscription)

Study: New Screening System Could Reduce Military Suicides

The New York Times (11/13, Carey, Subscription Publication) reports that a study published Wednesday by the journal JAMA Psychiatry says that suicides among soldiers with psychiatric conditions could be reduced “by using a new screening system that flags those at highest risk of taking their own lives, a new study suggests.” The computer program, which “rates more than 20 actuarial factors, including age at enlistment, history of violence, and prescription medication use,” would be the most rigorous suicide prediction model available, if it performs as expected in real-world settings.” It would “allow doctors to follow high-risk soldiers closely after discharge, and to take preventive measures.”

USA Today reports that for the study, investigators “examined the records of nearly 54,000 soldiers hospitalized from 2004 to 2009, less than 1% of the Army.” The researchers “found 12% of Army suicides occurred within a portion of the 54,000 — those who had been diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder and released from hospital care within the previous 12 months.” When the investigators “delved even deeper in that group, they identified soldiers who were extremely prone to suicide, with a rate as high as 3,824 per 100,000.”

Related Links:

— “Risk Model Seen as Reducing Military Suicides,” Benedict Carey, New York Times, November 12, 2014.

Terminally Ill Veteran Seeking To Stop Military Suicides

The CBS Evening News (11/11, story 8, 2:50, Pelley) reported on Lieutenant Justin Fitch, a terminally ill veteran who is, according to CBS correspondent Mark Strassman, seeking to stop “military suicides through a group called ‘Carry The Fallen.’”

CBS News (11/12) reports on its website that “last Sunday, volunteers marched the entire Boston Marathon course, 26.2 miles, to raise money and awareness of the issue.”

Related Links:

— “Terminally ill vet’s final mission: Helping others choose life,” Mark Strassman, CBS News, November 11, 2014.

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