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Assisted Suicide In Switzerland Has Doubled In Recent Years.

NBC News (8/21, Fox) reports on its website that research published in the Journal of Medical Ethics indicates that “more than 600 people traveled to Switzerland to die between 2008 and 2012, and the numbers doubled over those years.” Study author Dr. Saskia Gauthier wrote, “The main reasons were neurological disease (47 percent), followed by cancer (37 percent), rheumatic and cardiovascular disease.”

The New York Times (8/21, Belluck, Subscription Publication) reports that researchers found twenty-one individuals arrived in Switzerland from the United States for an assisted suicide between 2010 and 2012.

Related Links:

— “Seeking Death: ‘Suicide Tourism’ to Switzerland Doubles,” Maggie Fox, NBC News, August 20, 2014.

Combination Treatment May Help Severely Depressed Patients Recover.

TIME (8/21, Sifferlin) reports that according to results of a 452-patient study published online Aug. 20 in JAMA Psychiatry, “a combination of antidepressants and therapy work to help severely depressed patients recover.”

Medscape (8/21, Cassels) reports that the study revealed that “patients with severe, nonchronic depression had better rates of recovery if they were treated with cognitive therapy (CT) combined with” antidepressants, compared with patients who received antidepressant medications alone. The investigators found, however, that “this treatment strategy had little, if any, benefit for patients with less severe or chronic major depression.”

Related Links:

— “Therapy and Antidepressants Work Better Together Than Just Pills Alone,” Alexandra Sifferlin, Time, August 20, 2014.

“Smart Justice” Mental Health System Overhaul Considered Model Program.

The Kaiser Health News (8/20, Gold) reports that the City of San Antonio, TX and surrounding Bexar County “have completely overhauled their mental health system into a program considered a model for the rest of” the US. Their “effort has focused on an idea called ‘smart justice’ – basically, diverting people with serious mental illness out of jail and into treatment instead.”

This effort “is possible because all the players in the system that deal with mental illness – the police, the county jail, mental health department, criminal courts, hospitals and homeless programs – pooled their resources to take better care of people with mental illness.”

Related Links:

— “San Antonio Police Have Radical Approach To Mental Illness: Treat It,” Jenny Gold, Kaiser Health News, August 19, 2014.

Columnist: Mental Illness Can Undermine Logic, Overwhelm Good Intentions.

In her column in the Los Angeles Times (8/16), Sandy Banks wrote, “Mental illness can undermine logic and overwhelm good intentions.” She asserted that “the best way to honor” Robin Williams “may be to drag depression out of the closet and place it center stage.” She suggested that “instead of saying ‘Are you OK?’ to a friend who seems hopeless or depressed, we ought to ask directly, ‘Have you felt so bad you wanted to die?’”

Related Links:

— “Time to shine a light on suicide, and banish the shame,” Sandy Banks, Los Angeles Times, August 15, 2014.

Neurodevelopmental, Mental Health Disabilities Increasing In Children

USA Today (8/18, Healy) reports that according to research published online Aug. 18 in the journal Pediatrics, “more parents – especially upper-income ones – are reporting that their children have a physical, developmental or mental health disability.” An analysis revealed that “the number of non-institutionalized children age 17 and younger with disabilities rose 16% between 2001 and 2011, with nearly six million children (8% of the population) reported as having a disability.”

The AP (8/18) reports, “The increases may partly reflect more awareness and recognition that conditions, including autism, require a specific diagnosis to receive special services, the researchers say.”

Related Links:

— “Parent-reported cases of disability in children rise,” Michelle Healy, USA Today, August 18, 2014.

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