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Frequent Conflict With Family, Neighbors May Increase Risk Of Premature Death

NBC Nightly News (5/8, story 10, 0:40, Williams) reported that research suggests that “being angry, having frequent arguments with spouses or partners or relatives or neighbors may boost the risk of death from any cause and especially for those in middle age.”

USA Today (5/9, Painter) reports that for the study, published in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, investigators “asked nearly 10,000 men and women ages 36 to 52 how often they ‘experience conflict’ with partners, children, other family members, friends and neighbors.” The researchers “also asked about worries and demands in those relationships.” The investigators “checked death records 11 years later and found that frequent fighters were two to three times more likely than their more peaceable peers to be dead already – even if their fights were mostly with neighbors, not friends or family.”

Related Links:

— “Study: Frequent fighters more likely to die in mid-life,” Kim Painter, USA Today, May 8, 2014.

Few US Law Enforcement Jurisdictions Have Mental-Health Crisis Intervention Programs

In its “Shots” blog and on its “All Things Considered” program, NPR (5/9, Cohen) reports that 18 of 107 police officers in Fairfield, CT, have been “specifically trained to respond to mental health calls.” The officers are part of a mental-health crisis intervention program implemented in 2011. Across the US, only about 2,700 such programs exist, even though there are some 18,000 US law enforcement jurisdictions. On May 7, Connecticut legislators approved a measure “ensuring that all police in the state can get some kind of” mental-health crisis intervention training.

Related Links:

— “Mental Health 101: Program Helps Police Intervene In Crises,” Michael Cohen, National Public Radio, May 8, 2014.

Competing Mental Health Bills Introduced Into House Of Representatives

In continuing coverage, USA Today (5/9, Szabo) reports that last “December, Rep. Tim Murphy, R-Pa., introduced the Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act.” This past Tuesday, however, Rep. Ron Barber, D-AZ, “introduced his own, more limited bill, supported by a handful of Democrats, called the Strengthening Mental Health in Our Communities Act of 2014.” Rep. Murphy’s bill is considered to be “more sweeping” than the competing Barber bill. Meanwhile, some advocates for people with mental illnesses are concerned that partisanship could sink the chances of passing any mental health reform legislation, while others believe both measures could provide a compromise framework.

In her “Potomac Watch” opinion column in the Wall Street Journal (5/9, A13, Subscription Publication), Kimberly A. Strassel excoriates the Barber bill as an exercise in Democratic partisanship at the expense of people with severe mental illnesses.

Related Links:

— “Congressmen introduce competing mental health bills,” Liz Szabo, USA Today, May 8, 2014.

Cannabis Use In College Kids With Psychiatric Disorders Appears To Be High

Medscape (5/9, Cassels) reports that according to research presented at the American Psychiatric Association’s annual meeting, “cannabis use in college students with psychiatric disorders is high and appears to have a significantly greater negative impact on function in this population.” Researchers, after conducting “a cross-sectional study from the Young Adult Behavioral Health Program at Rhode Island Hospital, which receives psychiatric outpatient referrals from eight colleges in the state,” discovered that nearly “25% of college students being treated for a mental illness also abused cannabis, which was linked to significant functional impairment and a greater likelihood of medical leave from school compared with their counterparts who used cannabis but did not have a mental illness.”

Related Links:

Medscape (requires login and subscription)

Psychologists Build Schizophrenia Oral History Project

The New York Times (5/8, Saker) “Well” blog reports that over the past three years, psychologist Linda Crane, of the College of Mount St. Joseph, along with “fellow Mount St. Joseph psychologist, Tracy McDonough, have built the Schizophrenia Oral History Project,” the first such project “to focus on schizophrenia, they say.” The two psychologists have “so far…recruited two dozen people to sit down with them and a voice recorder, asking their ‘narrators’ simply: What’s it like to be you?”

Related Links:

— “Stories as a Window Into Schizophrenia,” Anne Saker, New York Times, May 8, 2014.

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