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DOJ: Up To 64% Of Jail Inmates May Have Mental Health Problems.

The CBS Evening News (3/5, story 8, 3:15, Pelley) reported, “With a shortage of mental facilities jails have become the new asylums.” CBS correspondent John Miller explained, “The Department of Justice says up to 64% of inmates at local jails have some mental health problem. Using that DOJ statistic, the two largest jails in the United States, Cook County and LA County, would become two of the largest mental institutions in the country de facto.”

Capitol Hill Forum Focuses On Mental Health.

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (3/6, Mauriello) points out that witnesses at the forum “complained of long wait times for mental health services, social stigmas, lack of school counselors and the need for more mental health training for primary care physicians who often first see psychiatrically ill patients.

CQ (3/6, Subscription Publication) reports, parents can face significant barriers trying to get help for their adult children with mental illness. Sometimes commitment laws and HIPPA privacy restrictions make things more difficult for family trying to get treatment for their relatives with psychiatric illness.

The NBC News (3/5) “Vitals” blog reported that three parents who testified at the forum complained that doctors’ interpretations of HIPAA privacy laws prevented them from helping their children. Doctors, they said, feared sharing information with the parents for fear of violating privacy rules. And, they complained, too often they had no one to call but police when their children became violent.”

Related Links:

— “Congress addresses mental illness in wake of rampage, “Tracie Mauriello, Post-Gazette Washington Bureau, March 6, 2013.

Cost, Insurance Issues May Stand In Way Of Mental Healthcare.

Politico (3/4, Cunningham) reported, “No one keeps tabs on precisely how many of the 552,000 mental health professionals in the US – according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics – won’t accept private health insurance.” However, “patient advocacy groups and provider organizations say many don’t want to accept low pay rates – and the insurance paperwork.” According to a survey conducted in 2005 by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, “of 5.7 million adults who didn’t get mental health care when they needed it, nearly half blamed cost or insurance issues.”

Related Links:

— “Loophole for mental health care, “Paige Winfield Cunningham, Politico, March 4, 2013.

Most Kids With ASDs May Overcome Language Delays.

HealthDay (3/5, Marcus) reports, “A new study that looked at speech delays in children with autism spectrum disorders [ASDs] found that 70 percent of children who were not stringing words together into even the simplest of phrases by age four went on to do so by age eight, and in some cases, even achieved fluent speech.” The study involving 500 youngsters with ASDs was published online March 4 in the journal Pediatrics. Notably, “strong predictors of a child’s ability to go on to develop phrase or fluent speech skills included his or her non-verbal IQ and being less impaired socially,” the study found.

Related Links:

— “Most Kids With Autism Overcome Language Delays, Study Finds, “Mary Brophy Marcus, HealthDay, March 4, 2013.

Anxiety May Be More Common After Childbirth Than Depression.

HealthDay (3/5, Salamon) reports, “Anxiety is far more common in the days after childbirth than depression, with nearly one in five new mothers reporting acute mental stress surrounding delivery and the transition to a larger family,” according to a study published online March 4 in the journal Pediatrics.

MedPage Today (3/5) reports that data from 1,123 new mothers revealed that “during the initial maternity hospital stay, 17.1% of women who were breastfeeding screened positive for acute postpartum state anxiety, while 5.5% screened positive for depression (P<0.0001)." New mothers "with anxiety had greater personal healthcare use in the first two postpartum weeks and breastfed for a shorter amount of time, the researchers reported." The Department of Health and Human Services, among others, helped support the study. Related Links:

— “Anxiety May Be More Common Than Depression After Pregnancy, “Maureen Salamon, HealthDay, March 4, 2013.

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