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Maintaining Meds May Help Medicare Patients With Mental Illnesses Avoid Hospitalization.
USA Today (2/20, Kennedy) reports, “Medicare consumers with bipolar disorder or schizophrenia are hospitalized less often if they maintain access to their medications when they hit the coverage gap for prescription drugs, according to a study” published Feb. 19 in the American Journal of Managed Care. The study of “87,747 patients with bipolar disorder and 92,523 with schizophrenia” revealed that “hospitalization rates…were highest for patients with no gap coverage.” The study authors argued that the US “would save money by closing the prescription drug ‘doughnut hole’ and by having more patients use generic instead of brand-name” medications.
Related Links:
— “Report: Mental health drugs vital for Medicare patients, “Kelly Kennedy, USA Today, February 19, 2013.
People With Disabilities At Greater Risk Of Becoming Victims Of Violence.
HealthDay (2/21, Dallas) reports, “People with disabilities are at greater risk of being the victims of violence, particularly if they have a mental illness-related disability, according to a new study” published Feb. 20 in PLoS One. For the study, researchers “examined information compiled in the 2009-2010 British Crime Survey to estimate the likelihood that a noninstitutionalized person with physical or mental disabilities would suffer physical, sexual, domestic or nondomestic violence.” They found that “the odds of being a victim of violence in the past year were three times higher for those with a mental-illness-related disability and twice as high for those with a physical disability.”
Related Links:
— “People With Disabilities More Likely to Become Victims of Violence, “Mary Elizabeth Dallas, Healthday, February 20, 2013.
Study Establishes Long-Term Effects Of Childhood Bullying.
The New York Times (2/20, Saint Louis) “Well” blog reports, “Victims of bullying at school, and bullies themselves, are more likely to experience psychiatric problems in childhood, studies have shown. Now,” according to a study published online Feb. 20 in JAMA Psychiatry, “researchers have found that elevated risk of psychiatric trouble extends into adulthood, sometimes even a decade after the intimidation has ended.”
The Huffington Post (2/20, Pappas) carries a LiveScience piece, which reports that researchers “used data from a study begun 20 years ago, which queried 1,420 children and their parents about general mental health beginning at age 9, 11 or 13.” The youngsters “were assessed annually until age 16, and then they came back for follow-ups at ages 19, 21 and 25. Before age 16, participants were asked whether they had been bullied or bullied others, how frequently, and where any bullying occurred, among other questions.”
HealthDay (2/21, Reinberg) reports that the investigators “found that both those who had been bullied as kids and those who had been both bullies and bullied had a higher risk for psychological problems than those who weren’t bullied. Those problems included depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, generalized anxiety, panic disorder and agoraphobia.” What’s more, “those who were both bullies and victims of bullying had, in addition to being at risk for anxiety and depression, the highest levels of suicidal thoughts.”
Medscape (2/21, Cassels) reports that “bullies were at risk for antisocial personality disorder only (OR, 4.1; 95% CI, 1.1 – 15.8; P < .04)." MedPage Today (2/21, Phend) points out that "the study was supported by the National Institute of Mental Health, the National Institute on Drug Abuse," among others. Also covering the story is the Daily Mail (UK) (2/21). Related Links:
— “Childhood Bullying Can Leave Lifelong Scars, “Steven Reinberg, HealthDay, February 20, 2013.
HHS Finalizes ACA Essential Benefits Rule.
Several national outlets reported that HHS released final rules on Wednesday for the ACA’s essential health benefits provision. Most note that the regulations, while integral to the law, have changed little since first proposed last November.
The New York Times (2/21, A16, Pear, Subscription Publication) reports, “The Obama administration issued a final rule on Wednesday defining ‘essential health benefits’ that must be offered by most health insurance plans next year, and it said that 32 million people would gain access to coverage of mental health care as a result.” The rule “requires insurers to cover treatment of mental illnesses, behavioral disorders, drug addiction and alcohol abuse, and other conditions.” HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius “said that in addition to the millions who would gain access to mental health care, 30 million people who already have some mental health coverage will see improvements in benefits.”
USA Today (2/21, Kennedy) reports, “The Department of Health and Human Services released its long-awaited final rule on essential health benefits today, allowing insurers and states to move forward on both the federal and state health exchanges.” In a report accompanying the report, HHS wrote, “Americans accessing coverage through non-grandfathered plans in the individual and small group markets will now be able to count on mental health and substance use disorder coverage that is comparable to their general medical and surgical coverage.”
The Wall Street Journal (2/21, A2, Dooren, Subscription Publication) reports that the Obama Administration finalized rules Wednesday which mandate that health insurance plans cover mental-health and substance-abuse treatments, among other categories, starting next year under the Affordable Care Act. The rules fall under the provision of the ACA which requires essential health benefits in 10 categories of care, like prescription medications and physical rehabilitation. Specifics requirements for insurers will be set by the states.
Reuters (2/21, Morgan) reports that in the rule, HHS said, “The states continue to maintain their traditional role in defining the scope of insurance benefits and may exercise that authority by selecting a plan that reflects the benefit priorities of that state.”
The Hill (2/21, Goad) “Regwatch” blog reports that following the rule release, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said in a statement, “People all across the country will soon find it easier to compare and enroll in health plans with better coverage, greater quality and new benefits.”
The Washington Post (2/21, Kliff) “Wonkblog” notes that “the final regulation looks similar to a draft published in November. It still allows states to pick between a handful of benchmark plans, so long as they cover a core set of physical and mental health benefits.”
The NPR (2/21, Appleby) “Shots” blog reports further, “Essential benefit requirements apply mainly to individual and small group plans. The requirements also apply to benefits provided to those newly eligible for Medicaid coverage.”
Modern Healthcare (2/21, Zigmond, Subscription Publication) reports, “The final rule maps out standards for the core set of benefits that health insurance issuers must cover in the individual and small group markets-both inside and outside of the health insurance exchanges-for 2014 and 2015.” And, NBC News (2/21, Fox) reports, “The final rules harden up draft rules published last November, after taking into account thousands of comments.” The New York Business Journal (2/21, Hoover) and MedPage Today (2/21, Pittman) also cover the story.
Related Links:
— “New Federal Rule Requires Insurers to Offer Mental Health Coverage,”Robert Pear, The new York Times, February 20, 2013.
Maryland Registry Helps Track Psychiatric Bed Availability.
The Baltimore Sun (2/19, Rector) reports, “A small but growing number of hospitals in Maryland have joined together to track and share information about the availability of psychiatric beds at participating institutions. The online registry is aimed at speeding patients out of overcrowded emergency rooms and into facilities where they can get the help they need.” The Sun adds, “The new tool, which went online in November, follows years of frustration among health [professionals] and patients with a system they say is woefully inadequate.”
Related Links:
— “Hospitals team to find beds for psychiatric patients, “Kevin Rector, The Baltimore Sun, February 18, 2013.
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