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Experts: Mental Healthcare Infrastructure Under ACA Will Take Time To Develop.

In an analysis piece, the National Journal (12/28, Mershon, Subscription Publication) reported, “About one in four adults suffers from a diagnosable mental illness, according to the National Institute of Mental Health, but millions of those who report needing mental health services don’t receive care because of its cost or its negative stigma.” What’s more, states “have cut about $5 billion from public mental health spending in the past four years, at the same time that 10 percent more people have sought services, according to Joel Miller, a senior policy director at the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors.” The question now is whether mental health services will improve under the Affordable Care Act. “While most experts agree that supply will eventually catch up with demand, the infrastructure to support substantially more individuals seeking mental health services will take time to develop.”

Related Links:

— “Will ‘Obamacare’ Fill the Gaps in Our Mental Health System?, “Erin Mershon, National Journal, December 28, 2012.

NAMI Provides Resources To Concerned Families.

In a column focused on how to help families whose members are in need of mental health services, Steve Lopez wrote in the Los Angeles Times (12/31, Lopez), “If you have concerns about a loved one, contact your physician or your county mental health department. If you don’t get immediate help, call (800) 950-NAMI (6264) or go to, a great resource for information on symptoms and treatments of all mental disorders, as well as a link to the” nearest National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) chapter.

Related Links:

— “A lifeline for parents concerned about a child’s mental health, “Steve Lopez, Los Angeles Times, December 30, 2012.

Families May Find It Difficult To Get Mental Healthcare For Kids In Crisis.

In continuing coverage, Reuters (12/29, Begley) reported that many parents with children, teens and young adults with serious mental disorders are experiencing profound difficulties in obtaining help when their offspring are in crisis mode and need immediate mental healthcare. The situation is made even worse by state budget crises, a dwindling number of beds for psychiatric inpatients, and a nationwide shortage of psychiatrists and other mental health professionals. In some cases, people needing mental healthcare end up in jails or in emergency departments.

Related Links:

— “U.S. mentally ill and their families face barriers to care, “Sharon Begley, Reuters, December 29, 2012.

Constant Worriers May Be At Higher PTSD Risk.

HealthDay (12/29, Preidt) reported, “Constant worriers are at increased risk for developing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),” according to a study recently published online in the journal Psychological Research. After following about 1,000 people for just over a decade, researchers found that “people who had higher levels of neuroticism at the start of the study were more likely to be among the five percent who developed PTSD.”

Related Links:

— “Chronic Worry Linked to Higher Risk of PTSD,”Robert Preidt, HealthDay News, December 28, 2012.

Admission To Programs For Benzodiazepine/Pain Med Abuse On The Rise.

Medscape (12/29, Brauser) reported, “Admissions to substance abuse treatment programs by patients using a combination of benzodiazepines (benzos) and pain relievers have risen drastically over the past decade, according to a new report from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).” That report, “the Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) Report for December 13, examined national records on annual admissions for substance use treatment.” It indicated “that between the years 2000 and 2010, admissions for those abusing both benzos and narcotic pain relievers increased more than 500% — whereas admissions for all other substances decreased by almost 10%.”

Related Links:

— “Admissions Reporting Benzodiazepine and Narcotic Pain Reliever Abuse at Treatment Entry,SAMHSA, December 13, 2012.

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