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Initiating Buprenorphine In The ED To Patients With OUD Appears Safe Despite High Prevalence Of Fentanyl Use, Researchers Say

Healio (3/30, Rhoades) reports, “Initiating buprenorphine in the” emergency department (ED) “to patients with opioid use disorder” (OUD) “was safe, with fewer than 1% of patients experiencing precipitated withdrawal despite a high prevalence of fentanyl use,” researchers concluded in the findings of a 1,200-participant study published online March 30 in a research letter in JAMA Network Open.

Related Links:

— “Buprenorphine initiation in ED safe, effective among patients with OUD who use fentanyl “Andrew Rhoades, Healio, March 30, 2023

Guns now leading cause of youth deaths in U.S

CNN (3/29, Choi) reports, “Guns are the leading cause of death for U.S. children and teens, since surpassing car accidents in 2020.” According to the CDC, “firearms accounted for nearly 19% of childhood deaths (age[d] 1-18) in 2021,” accounting for nearly 3,600 deaths. What’s more, “in no other comparable country are firearms within the top four causes of mortality among children, according to” an analysis by the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Related Links:

— “Children and teens are more likely to die by guns than anything else ” Annette Choi, CNN, March 29, 2023

Among Cardiac Arrest Survivors, Women Appear More Likely To Report Anxiety, Depressive Symptoms, And PTSD Than Men, Study Indicates

Healio (3/29, Swain) reports, “Among cardiac arrest survivors, women were more likely to report anxiety, depressive symptoms and PTSD than men, researchers reported” in the findings of a 245-survivor study presented at the European Society of Cardiology’s Acute Cardiovascular Care congress. The study authors posited that “more support may need to be given to women who have survived cardiac arrest.”

Related Links:

— “Children and teens are more likely to die by guns than anything else ” Annette Choi, CNN, March 29, 2023

Pennsylvania Hospital Incentive Program Appears To Have Increased Buprenorphine Prescriptions For Patients With OUD, Data Indicate

Psychiatric News (3/29) reports, “Pennsylvania patients with opioid use disorder (OUD) were more likely to receive a prescription for buprenorphine within 30 days of a visit to the emergency department (ED) if they were seen at a hospital participating in the state’s Opioid Hospital Quality Improvement Program than those seen at a hospital that did not participate in this program,” researchers concluded after analyzing “data on 17,428 adults (about 57% male) who were enrolled in Medicaid and were seen in an ED for an opioid-related cause (for example, opioid withdrawal or opioid overdose) between January 1, 2016, and December 31, 2020.” The findings were published online March 24 in JAMA Health Forum.

Related Links:

— “Hospital Incentive Program Found to Increase Buprenorphine Prescriptions for Patients With OUD, Psychiatric News, March 29, 2023

Researchers Examine Prevalence, Characteristics Of Tobacco Use Among Adults With A History Of Psychosis

According to HCPlive (3/28, Grossi), research published online March 28 in JAMA Network Open “provides important insights into the prevalence and characteristics of tobacco use among adults with a history of psychosis.” After analyzing “data from 29,045 adults who participated in the PATH Study’s Wave 5 survey between December 2018-November 2019 and were 18 years or older,” researchers found “a higher prevalence of tobacco use, polytobacco use, and severity of nicotine dependence among adults with psychosis compared with those without psychosis.”

Related Links:

— “Addressing Tobacco Use in Adults with Psychotic Disorders “Giuliana Grossi, HCPlive, March 28, 2023

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