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Children With Family History Of Schizophrenia Who Have Early Deficits In “Set Shifting” May Be At Increased Risk For Psychotic Experiences In Later Childhood, Study Indicates
Psychiatric News (1/11) reports, “Children with a family history of schizophrenia who have early deficits in ‘set shifting,’” that is, “the ability to fluidly move from one cognitive task to another,” may “be at increased risk for psychotic experiences in later childhood compared with children who have similar deficits but no family history of schizophrenia,” researchers concluded in a study that “assessed neurocognition in 449 children aged seven years who were participants in the Danish High Risk and Resilience Study – a prospective cohort study of children who have at least one biological parent with a schizophrenia spectrum diagnosis, bipolar disorder, or neither diagnosis.” The findings were published online Dec. 22 in the Schizophrenia Bulletin.
Related Links:
— “Cognitive Deficits in Early Childhood Linked to Later Psychotic Experiences, Psychiatric News, January 11, 2023
Sleep Complaints By Patients With Major Depressive Episode May Be Red Flag Signaling Higher Risk For Developing Other Psychiatric Disorders, Research Suggests
Medscape (1/11, Yasgur, Subscription Publication) reports, “Sleep complaints by patients with a major depressive episode (MDE) may be a red flag signaling a higher risk for developing other psychiatric disorders,” investigators concluded after studying “three-year incidence rates of psychiatric disorders in almost 3000 patients experiencing an MDE.” The study revealed that “having a history of difficulty falling asleep, early morning awakening, and hypersomnia increased risk for incident psychiatric disorders.” The findings were published online Dec. 21 in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.
Related Links:
— Medscape (requires login and subscription)
Dementia may be associated with moderate-to-severe hearing loss
MedPage Today (1/10, George) reports, “Moderate-to-severe hearing loss was linked with a higher prevalence of dementia,” researchers concluded in “a cross-sectional study of Medicare beneficiaries.” In the 2,413-older adult study, “dementia prevalence among people with moderate-to-severe hearing loss was higher than it was among people with normal hearing.” Additionally, in “people with moderate-to-severe hearing loss…hearing aid use was associated with a lower prevalence of dementia compared with no hearing aid use.” The findings were published online in a research letter in JAMA.
Related Links:
— MedPage Today (requires login and subscription)
Telehealth Use For Mental Health Conditions Significantly Increased During COVID-19 Pandemic While In-Person Service Use Decreased, Study Finds
mHealth Intelligence (1/10, Melchionna) reports a study “found that during the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a significant increase in using telehealth to treat mental health conditions, alongside a decrease in in-person service use.” For the study published online in JAMA Health Forum, investigators “analyzed data on 5.1 million commercially insured adults” from “Jan. 5 and Dec. 21, 2020,” and then “calculated the per-week use of mental health services per 10,000 beneficiaries across five psychiatric diagnostic categories: major depressive disorder (MDD), anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, adjustment disorders, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).”
Related Links:
— “Telehealth Offset Declines in In-Person Mental Healthcare in 2020 “Mark Melchionna, mHealth Intelligence, January 10, 2023
After Serious Illness Or Injury, PTSD Can Be Quite Common, APA President Says
In a piece discussing model Hailey Bieber’s “mental health struggle after” a transient ischemic attack, ABC News (1/10) reports that “Bieber is not alone in facing” such “struggles after physically recovering from a health scare.” American Psychiatric Association President Rebecca Brendel, MD, JD, said, “We do know that after a serious injury or illness, PTSD can be quite common.” Dr. Brendel added, “People oftentimes will want to avoid situations or reminders of the scary thing that happened to them or the event that caused trauma.” On its website, APA stresses that “PTSD is treatable,” and “the earlier a person gets treatment, the better chance of recovery.”
Related Links:
— “Hailey Bieber reveals mental health struggle after mini-stroke: What to know about PTSD “Katie Kindelan, ABC News, January 10, 2023
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