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Dementia May Be Tied To Nearly Three Times More US Deaths Than Official Records Show, Study Indicates

Healio (8/27, Gramigna) reports, “Dementia may be linked to nearly three times more deaths in the United States than official records show,” investigators concluded after analyzing “data of 7,342 noninstitutionalized individuals aged 70 to 99 years with baseline exposure assessment in 2000 and follow-up through 2009.”

Medscape (8/27, Harrison, Subscription Publication) reports the study revealed that “from 2000 through 2009, an estimated 13.6% of deaths were attributable to dementia – 2.7 times more than the 5.0% of death certificates that state that dementia was an underlying cause of death.” The findings were published online in JAMA Neurology.

Related Links:

— “Dementia deaths may be nearly three times higher than current estimates, “Joe Gramigna, Healio, August 27, 2020

Tai Chi-Yoga-Meditation Combo May Be Associated With Mental, Physical Health Improvements Among Veterans, Small Study Suggests

Healio (8/26, Gramigna) reports, “A combination of yoga, tai chi and meditation was linked to significant mental and physical health improvements among veterans,” investigators concluded in a 119-veteran “longitudinal cohort survey study” that “sought to examine the link between CIH participation and veterans’ patient-reported outcomes over time.” The findings were published online ahead of print in the September issue of the journal Medical Care.

Related Links:

— “Yoga, tai chi, meditation improve veterans’ mental, physical health, “Joe Gramigna, Healio, August 26, 2020

Middle-Aged Men Who Were Anxious Or Depressed As Teenagers May Be At Increased Risk For Heart Attack, Study Indicates

HealthDay (8/26) reports, “Middle-aged men who were anxious or depressed teens are at increased risk for heart attack,” investigators concluded in “a large, long-term study” that “included more than 238,000 men born between 1952 and 1956 who underwent extensive exams when they were 18 or 19 years old and were followed to age 58.” The study revealed that “men diagnosed with anxiety or depression in their late teens had a 20% higher risk of heart attack than those who didn’t.” The findings were set for presentation “at a virtual meeting of the European Society of Cardiology.”Related Links:

— “Anxious Teens May Face Higher Odds for Future Heart Attack: Study, “Robert Preidt, HealthDay, August 26, 2020

Pregnancy, Postpartum Period “Very Vulnerable Time For Mental Disorders,” Expert Says

MD Edge ObGyn (8/26, Craven) reports, “Pregnancy and the postpartum period are a ‘very vulnerable time for mental disorders,’ according to” a presentation given by Henry A. Nasrallah, MD, of the University of Cincinnati, at “a virtual meeting presented by Current Psychiatry and the American Academy of Clinical Psychiatrists.” During the perinatal period, women are at particular “risk for depression and anxiety. Women are also at risk for postpartum depression, particularly women with bipolar disorder, Dr. Nasrallah said.”

Related Links:

— “Pregnancy can be ‘a vulnerable time’ for developing mental disorders, “Jeff Craven, MD Edge ObGyn, August 26, 2020

Nearly 40% Of Postmenopausal Women May Display Depressive Symptoms, Research Suggests

Healio (8/26, VanDewater) reports that approximately “40% of postmenopausal women may have depressive symptoms,” investigators concluded in a “cross-sectional study” that “included 485 postmenopausal women.” The study revealed that “risk factors for postmenopausal depressive symptoms included being unpartnered, consuming alcohol, requiring chronic medication and having many children.” The findings were published online June 29 in the journal Menopause.

Related Links:

— “Nearly 40% of postmenopausal women may have depressive symptoms, “Kalie VanDewater, Healio, August 26, 2020

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