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Investigation Of Centenarians With High Cognitive Test Scores May Reveal Mechanisms Underlying Resilience Against Cognitive Decline Risk Factors, Researchers Posit

Healio (2/26, Gramigna) reports, “A cognitive test identified individuals aged 100 years or older who had high levels of cognitive performance,” researchers concluded after analyzing data on “340 centenarians” whose cognition was evaluated by using the Mini-Mental State Examination. Investigators then “posited that investigation of these individuals may reveal the mechanisms underlying resilience against cognitive decline risk factors.” The findings were published online Feb. 26 in JAMA Network Open.

Related Links:

— “Centenarians with high cognitive test scores may ward off dementia, decline, “Joe Gramigna, Healio, February 26, 2020

Researchers Say Cognitive Decline May Happen Faster In Widowed Adults Than Married Ones

CNN (2/26, LaMotte) reports researchers found that over a period of three years that “cognitive abilities declined three times faster in widowed adults with high levels of beta-amyloid – a key marker for Alzheimer’s – than in married people with equally high levels,” suggesting that losing a spouse may accelerate cognitive decline. The researchers also found that “even for those without beta-amyloid accumulation and no signs of cognitive decline, the risk for dementia was greater for men and women who were widowed.” The findingswere published in JAMA Network Open.Related Links:

— “Widowhood increases risk of Alzheimer’s, study says, “Sandee LaMotte, CNN, February 26, 2020

Nearly Two Out Of Every Three Young Mothers May Report At Least One Mental Health Problem, Study Indicates

MD Magazine (2/25, Walter) reports research indicates that nearly two out of every three “young mothers reported at least one mental health problem, with almost 40% of the study population having more than one mental health disorder.” Included in the study were “450 mothers younger than 21 and 100 comparison mothers older than 30 years old at their first delivery living in urban and rural central-west Ontario.” Researchers then “compared I the age-matched young mothers with 15-17 year old women without children (n = 630) from the 2014 Ontario Child Health Study.” The study revealed that “young mothers were” two to four “times as likely to have an anxiety disorder, such as generalized anxiety disorder, separation anxiety disorder, social phobia, and specific phobia, as well as” AD/HD, “oppositional defiant disorder, or conduct disorder.” In addition, they were two to four “times more likely to have more than one psychiatric problem when compared to the older control group of mothers or the women between 15-17 years old.” The findings were published online Feb. 10 in the Journal of Adolescent Health.

Related Links:

— “Young Mothers Face More Mental Health Hurdles, “Kenny Walter, MD Magazine, February 25, 2020

US Deaths Attributable To Alcohol Consumption Appear To Be Rising, Study Suggests

Psychiatric News (2/25) reports that US deaths attributable to “alcohol consumption appear to be rising,” researchers concluded after analyzing “data from the death certificates of U.S. residents (older than 15 years) who died between 2000 and 2016.” The study revealed that “the rate of death due to alcohol-induced causes increased overall from 2000 to 2016 at an average annual percentage change of 1.4% among men and 3.1% among women,” with the “largest increases in alcohol-induced deaths…observed among American Indian and Alaska Native men (average annual percentage change, 3.3%), American Indian and Alaska Native women (average annual percentage change, 4.2%), and white women (average annual percentage change, 4.1%).” The findings were published online Feb. 21 in JAMA Network Open.

Related Links:

— “Report Finds Rates of U.S. Deaths From Alcohol Use ‘Accelerating’, Psychiatric News, February 25, 2020

Number Of Patients With Dementia Will Likely Double In Europe By 2050, Report Finds

Healio (2/24, Gramigna) reports, “The number of patients with dementia will likely double in Europe by 2050…a recent report by Alzheimer Europe” concludes. For that report, investigators “based their findings on a collaborative analysis of prevalence studies published after the conclusion of Alzheimer Europe’s previous project conducted between 2006 and 2008 and called the European Collaboration on Dementia.” In their report, “researchers noted the number of people within the European Union with dementia will double from the current estimate of 7,853,705 to 14,298,671 by 2050.”

Related Links:

— “Dementia rates set to double in Europe by 2050, echoing US estimates, “Joe Gramigna, Healio, February 24, 2020

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