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Updated Version Of Established Model For MDD May Offer “Useful Foundation” Toward A Comprehensive Developmental Model Of Prescription Opioid Use Disorder, Researchers Say

Healio (12/13, Gramigna) reported, “An updated version of an established model for major depressive disorder [MDD] offers a ‘useful foundation’ toward a comprehensive developmental model of prescription opioid use disorder,” researchers concluded after drawing “data from the 2012 to 2013 National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions-III and divided risk factors into four developmental tiers – childhood/early adolescence, late adolescence, adulthood and past-year,” then using “hierarchical logistic regression models to assess each risk factor’s independent contribution and built separate models to predict 12-month nonmedical prescription opioid use and risk for prescription opioid use disorder among individuals with 12-month nonmedical use.” The findings were published online Dec. 3 in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.

Related Links:

— “Updated depressive model targets patients with prescription opioid use disorder, “Joe Gramigna, Healio, December 13, 2019

ED Visits For Attempted Suicide, Suicidal Thoughts May Be Associated With Much Higher Risk Of Suicide Within One Year Of The Visit, Researchers Say

HealthDay (12/13, Reinberg) reported, “People who wind up in emergency” departments (EDs) “because they tried to kill themselves or contemplated it had a much higher risk of suicide within the year of the visit,” researchers concluded in a study that included “more than 85,000 people who had attempted suicide; over 67,000 who had thoughts of suicide; and a control group of nearly 500,000 people who went to an” ED “but had no suicide-related thoughts or problems.” The study revealed that “those who attempted suicide were 57 times more likely to kill themselves in the following year compared to the general public,” while “people with suicidal thoughts seen in the” ED “were 31 times more likely to try suicide in the ensuing year.” The findings were published online Dec. 13 in JAMA Network Open.

Related Links:

— “ER Visits for Attempted Suicide Greatly Raise Odds for Future Tragedy, ” Steven Reinberg, HealthDay, December 13, 2019

Individuals With Depression May Be More Than Twice As Likely To Use Cannabis Than Those Without Depression, Study Indicates

Healio (12/12, Gramigna) reports, “Individuals with depression were more than twice as likely to use cannabis than those without depression,” researchers concluded after analyzing “data from the annual cross-sectional National Survey on Drug Use and Health to assess linear time trends of the prevalence of any, daily and nondaily past 30-day use and perceived great risk associated with regular cannabis use,” focusing on data “for 728,691 individuals aged 12 years or older.” The findings were published online Dec. 4 in the journal Addiction.

Related Links:

— “People with depression twice as likely to use cannabis, “Joe Gramigna, Healio, December 12, 2019

Study Identifies Eight Psychiatric Disorders That Share A Common Genetic Structure

Healio (12/12, Gramigna) reports investigators “have identified eight psychiatric disorders that share a common genetic structure.” For the study, researchers “used genome-wide association analyses of 232,964 individuals diagnosed with one of eight psychiatric disorders – anorexia nervosa,” attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD), “autism spectrum disorder [ASD], bipolar disorder, major depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, schizophrenia and Tourette syndrome,” and then “also analyzed genetic data of 494,162 healthy controls.” The study revealed “shared variants” that “allowed the researchers to classify conditions into three groups by their related genetics – those characterized by compulsive behaviors, including anorexia nervosa, OCD and, to a lesser extent, Tourette syndrome; mood and psychotic disorders including bipolar disorder, major depression and schizophrenia; and early-onset neurodevelopmental disorders including ASD,” AD/HD “and Tourette syndrome.” The findings were published online Dec. 12 in the journal Cell.

Related Links:

— “ADHD, autism and 6 psychiatric disorders share common genetic structure, “Joe Gramigna, Healio, December 12, 2019

FCC Approves Proposal To Make 988 National Suicide Prevention Hotline Number

The Wall Street Journal (12/12, Tracy, Subscription Publication) reports that the Federal Communications Commission on Thursday okayed a proposal to create a 988 hotline for suicide prevention and mental health crises. The three-digit number is designed to replace the existing number for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

The AP (12/12, Anderson) reports the action “comes as suicide rates have increased across the U.S. over the past two decades, and dramatically so – by more than 30% – in half of U.S. states, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.” The shorter number “would likely lead to more calls, which in turn would mean more expenses for crisis centers already struggling to keep up.” If the “number of calls to the hotline doubled, centers would need an extra $50 million a year to handle the increase, the FCC said, citing the federal agency that funds the hotline, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.”

Axios (12/12, McGill) reports that the bipartisan legislation, introduced by Cory Gardner (R-CO), Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Jerry Moran (R-KS), and Jack Reed (D-RI), “would also require the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration to come up with a strategy to connect young LGBTQ hotline callers to specialized services.”

Related Links:

— “FCC Approves Making ‘988’ a National Suicide-Prevention Hotline Number
, “Ryan Tracy, The Wall Street Journal, December 12, 2019

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