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People Taking Antidepressants And/Or Antipsychotics In Weight Management Programs Will Lose Weight Regardless Of Medication Use, Research Suggests

MD Magazine (8/27, Walter) reports research indicates that “individuals taking antidepressants and/or antipsychotics in weight management programs will lose weight regardless of their medication use.” Investigators arrived at that finding after analyzing data on “17,519 adults enrolled in a lifestyle weight loss intervention at the Wharton Medical Clinic in Ontario using a sex-stratified multivariable linear regression analysis to discover the association of taking antidepressants and/or antipsychotics with weight loss when adjusting for age, initial weight, and treatment time.” The findings were published online Aug. 23 in the journal Obesity.

Related Links:

— “Individuals Lose Weight Regardless of Antidepressant, Antipsychotic Use, “Kenny Walter, MD Magazine, August 27, 2019

TSH Concentrations Abnormal In About Six Percent Of Psychiatrically Hospitalized Youth With Mood And Anxiety Disorders, Study Indicates

Healio (8/27, Demko) reports, “Thyroid-stimulating hormone [TSH] concentrations were abnormal in about 6% of psychiatrically hospitalized youth with significant mood and anxiety disorders, but thyroid disease was present in less than 1% of the total sample,” researchers concluded in a study involving “1,017 hospitalized youth.” The findings were published online in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry.

Related Links:

— “Thyroid function abnormal in some youth with mood, anxiety disorders, “Savannah Demko, Healio, August 27, 2019

HHS Issued Directive On Mental Health Posts Following Shootings

The Washington Post (8/20, Abutaleb, Wan) reports, “When President Trump targeted mental illness as the cause of the mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton that killed 31 people, federal health officials made sure no government experts might contradict him.” An August 5 HHS directive “warned communication staffers not to post anything on social media related to mental health, violence and mass shootings without prior approval,” which “alarmed some government mental health experts who said they felt muzzled.”

Editorial: Better Mental Healthcare Preferable To Increasing Large Mental Health Institutions In an editorial, the Bangor (ME) Daily News (8/20) writes, “President Donald Trump reiterated the flawed notion that mental illness is the root cause of gun violence in America.” The Daily News says Trump’s statements are “a perilous scapegoating that falsely stigmatizes the millions of Americans with mental health concerns.” The editorial references statistics from the US Department of Health and Human Services to say that people with mental illness are more likely to be a victim of a violent crime rather than being perpetrators. However, the editorial agrees with Trump that mental health services “in America need dramatic improvement,” but they want Trump to remember “why mental health institutions were closed or downsized.” It said at these large institutions, patients “often received little treatment and were sometimes abused.” It advocates for legislators and community advocates to be concerned with mental healthcare reimbursement rates and the shortage of mental health professionals.

Related Links:

— “After Trump blames mental illness for mass shootings, health agencies ordered to hold all posts on issue, “Yasmeen Abutaleb and William Wan, The Washington Post, August 20, 2019

Teens Who Use Concentrated Form Of Marijuana May Be More Likely To Use Other Drugs, Study Indicates

The NBC News (8/26, Carroll) website reports, “Teens who used a concentrated form of marijuana – sometimes called dabs, wax, shatter or crumble – are more likely to also use other drugs than kids who avoid marijuana,” researchers concluded after surveying nearly “50,000 adolescents in Arizona.” Investigators “found that among teens who used any form of cannabis, 72 percent had experience with the more potent products.” The findings were published online in Pediatrics. HealthDay (8/26, Thompson) also covers the study.

Related Links:

— “Teens who use concentrated marijuana more likely to use other drugs, “Linda Carroll, NBC, August 26, 2019

American Foundation For Suicide Prevention Medical Director Speaks On Suicide Prevention

Medscape (8/26, Subscription Publication) features a transcript of a discussion on suicide prevention at the American Psychiatric Association meeting in San Francisco between Dr. Jeffrey A. Lieberman and American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Medical Director Dr. Christine Moutier. Dr. Moutier said science is “shedding light” on “what drives suicide risk and what really constitutes effective suicide prevention efforts.” She adds, “Once we know that there are effective treatments and system change that works, it is so important that we translate that science into clinical practice and scale it around the nation.” Dr. Moutier also advocates for safety planning for those with suicidal ideation, in which a doctor “teams up with the patient to help them identify their own warning signs and triggers for crisis and suicide risk, and it outlines a series of steps they can take.”

Related Links:

Medscape (requires login and subscription)

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