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College Students From Minority Groups May Demonstrate Similar Or Lower Rates Of Diagnosed Psychiatric Disorders Than White Peers, Study Indicates

Healio (4/4, Demko) reports, “College students from minority groups demonstrated similar or lower rates of diagnosed psychiatric disorders than white peers,” researchers concluded after analyzing “survey results from more than 67,000 undergraduates at 108 colleges throughout the U.S.” The study did reveal, however, that “Asian/Pacific Islander and multiracial students reported significantly higher rates of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts.” The findings were published online March 27 in Psychiatric Services, a publication of the American Psychiatric Association.

Related Links:

— “Minority college students may have more undetected psychiatric disorders, “Savannah Demko, Healio, April 4, 2019

Children At Risk For Developing Certain Mental Illnesses May Be More Likely To Be Bullied, Study Indicates

Newsweek (4/3, Gander) reports “children at risk of developing” certain mental illnesses may be “more likely to be bullied, according to scientists” who “studied 5,028 children of European ancestry from the Avon region of the U.K., who were taking part in the 14,062-participant Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children.”

Healio (4/3, Demko) reports the findings were published in JAMA Psychiatry.
Kids who were at the greatest risk of developing mental health conditions such as depression and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) were also more likely to be bullied, the team found. Children with a high BMI, likely meaning they were overweight, also had a higher chance of being targeted.

Related Links:

— “Children At Risk Of Depression And Adhd More Likely To Be Bullied, “Kashmira Gander, Newsweek, April 3, 2019

SAMHSA Survey Suggests 40 Million Americans Go Untreated For Substance Abuse, Mental Illnesses

HealthLeaders Media (4/3, Commins) reports, “Nearly 57 million adult Americans have a substance abuse or mental health condition, and nearly 40 million of them go untreated, according to data cited by the Government Accountability Office.” The data was from a 2017 survey administered by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), which “found that people who perceived a need for behavioral health treatment but did not receive it blamed cost, stigma, and access challenges, such as not knowing where to go for treatment.” The report said, “According to experts GAO met with, available research in this area is limited by methodological challenges, including determining which healthcare costs can be attributed to an untreated behavioral condition, and by limited data on the full prevalence of certain behavioral health conditions.”

Related Links:

— “GAO: Most People With Substance Abuse, Mental Health Disorders Go Untreated, “John Commins, HealthLeaders Media, April 3, 2019

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