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Seniors Appear To Have Highest Rates Of Gun Ownership, Suicide

Reuters (12/14, Crist) reported on research published online in the Journal of the American Osteopathic Association that found seniors “have the highest rates of gun ownership, depression and suicide in the U.S.,” and “are more likely to become victims of their own guns.” The researchers suggest physicians are in a unique position to identify seniors at risk because this population sees physicians regularly.

Related Links:

— “Doctors struggle to help older gun owners, “Carolyn Crist, Reuters, December 14, 2018.

Teenage Boys More Likely Than Teenage Girls To Die By Suicide, Researchers Say

The NBC News (12/15, Compton) website reported that even though “teenage girls attempt suicide more often than teenage boys, according to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, boys are more likely to die by suicide.” In fact, “suicide rates for teenage boys and girls rose steadily from 2007 to 2015,” figures from the CDC reveal.

Related Links:

— “Boys need better access to mental health care. Why aren’t they getting it?, “Julie Compton, NBC News, December 15, 2018.

Gun deaths in 2017 reached highest number in decades, CDC data indicate

CNN (12/13, Howard) reports on its website that there were almost 40,000 gun deaths in the U.S. last year, “the highest number…in decades,” according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence first analyzed the data, and then later “CNN replicated that analysis and found that 39,773 people died by guns in 2017, which is an increase of more than 10,000 deaths from the 28,874 in 1999.”

The Hill (12/13, Gstalter) reports the number includes “an estimated 14,542 people…killed in homicides with guns,” “an estimated 23,854 people” who “died from suicide using guns in 2017,” as well as 486 “unintentional” gun deaths, 338 “undetermined” deaths, and 553 that “contributed to legal intervention and operations of war.”

Related Links:

— “Gun deaths in US reach highest level in nearly 40 years, CDC data reveal, “Jacqueline Howard, CNN, December 13, 2018.

Suicide The Tenth Leading Cause Of Death For Elementary School Children In 2014, CDC Says

USA Today (12/13, O’Donnell, Pitofsky) reports, “A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report covering 2007 through 2017 (pdf) found that 17 percent of high school students are bullied,” and approximately seven “percent attempted suicide.” In fact, “suicide was the 10th leading cause of death for elementary school-aged children in 2014, the CDC reported.” What’s more, almost “13 percent of the children 17 and younger who were hospitalized for suicidal thoughts or attempts between 2008 and 2015 were ages five to 11.” The article interviews experts who discuss complicating factors behind child suicides in addition to bullying, such as depression and family conflict.

Related Links:

— “Child suicides can be linked to bullying, but it’s never the sole cause, mental health professionals say, “Jayne O’Donnell and Marina Pitofsky, USA TODAY, December 13, 2018.

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