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U.S. leads list of 13 countries in overdose deaths

CNN (11/12, Thomas) reports new research published in the Annals of Internal Medicine found the U.S. “has more than double the rate of premature overdose deaths of at least 12 other countries,” with more than 63,000 drug overdoses blamed for deaths in 2016. Yingxi Chen, who was on the research team and is a postdoctoral fellow at the National Institutes of Health’s National Cancer Institute, said the team also found the U.S. experienced the second largest increase in deaths from drug overdose, at 4.3 percent for men and 5.3 percent for women. Another researcher not involved in the study, Caleb Banta-Green, Principal Research Scientist at the University of Washington Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute, said that France “got rid of the restrictions on prescribers using the medication buprenorphine,” and “their national mortality, opiate overdose mortality rate dropped 79%.”

Related Links:

— “US has highest rate of drug overdoses, study says, “Naomi Thomas, CNN, November 12, 2018.

Columnist: Two States That Enacted Red Flag Laws Have Seen Suicide Rates Drop

In a perspective piece in the Washington Post (11/12), columnist Petula Dvorak, writes, “Red flag laws – there are now 13 states that have them – allow a family member, roommate, beau, law enforcement officer or any type of medical professional to file a petition asking that a person’s home be temporarily cleared of firearms.” Now, even though “suicide rates are on the rise in the United States – a 30 percent spike in the past two decades, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – two of the first states to enact red flag laws have seen suicide rates drop, according to” research that “looked at Connecticut and Indiana.” Those findings were published online June 1 in Psychiatric Services, a publication of the American Psychiatric Association.

Related Links:

— “The connection between suicides and mass shootings — and a way to reduce both, “Petula Dvorak, The Washington Post, November 12, 2018.

People Who Have Suffered Major Traumatic Injuries May Be At Much Greater Risk For Mental Health Problems, Suicide, Study Indicates.

HealthDay (11/12, Preidt) reports, “People who’ve suffered major traumatic injuries are at much greater risk for mental health problems and suicide,” researchers concluded after analyzing “data from more than 19,000 people in the Canadian province of Ontario who suffered serious injuries.” The study revealed that “the suicide rate among people who’d suffered major injuries was 70 per 100,000 people, compared with 11.5 per 100,000 people in the general population.” In addition, youngsters and adolescents under the age of 18 “who had suffered a major injury had the largest increased risk of mental health-related hospital admission, the findings showed.” The findings were published online Nov. 12 in CMAJ.

Related Links:

— “Major Injuries Take a Toll on Mental Health, “Robert Preidt, HealthDay, November 12, 2018.

Gun-Related Deaths Increasing After Decline, CDC Report Says

CBS News (11/9, Smith) reported on its website that “gun-related deaths are on the rise in the U.S., bucking a decade-long decline, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.” The report concluded that there were 44,955 suicides and 27,394 homicides involving guns in 2015-2016, “the highest levels recorded since 2006-2007.”

Kaiser Health News (11/9, Rodriguez) reported the report also concluded “that the number of suicides involving a firearm grew 21 percent between 2006 and 2016.

Related Links:

— “Gun death statistics: CDC study says gun deaths are on the rise after years of decline, “Kate Smith, CBS NEWS, November 09, 2018.

Many Americans May Have Distress Caused By Difficulty Controlling Sexual Feelings, Study Indicates

Reuters (11/10, Carroll) reported, “Seven percent of women and more than 10 percent of men said they were distressed due to difficulty controlling sexual urges, feelings and behaviors,” researchers found after surveying “2,235 people, ages 18 to 50, across all 50 states.” The findings were published online in JAMA Network Open.

Also covering the story were the NBC News (11/9, Fox) website, Newsweek (11/9, Georgiou), the Minneapolis Star Tribune (11/10, Olson), and HealthDay (11/9, Gordon).

Related Links:

— “Many troubled by their sexual feelings, urges, “Linda Carrol, Reuters,November 10, 2018.

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