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Approximately 49 To 65 Inpatients Commit Suicide Each Year In US Hospitals, Study Suggests
Medscape (9/11, Brooks, Subscription Publication) reports, “Approximately 49 to 65 inpatients commit suicide each year in US hospitals,” researchers concluded after performing “a cross-sectional analysis of data from 27 states reporting to the National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS) for 2014-2015 and from hospitals reporting to the Joint Commission’s Sentinel Event (SE) database from 2010 to 2017.” The study authors estimated that “between 48.5 and 64.9 hospital inpatient suicides occur annually in the United States, with 31.0 to 51.7 of these events occurring during psychiatric hospitalization.” The findings were published online Sept. 3 in “the Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety to coincide with National Suicide Prevention Week, September 9 to 15.”
Related Links:
— Medscape (requires login and subscription)
Women With Gestational Diabetes Mellitus May Be At Elevated Risk For Postpartum Depression Symptoms, Study Indicates
Healio (9/11, Demko) reports, “Women with gestational diabetes mellitus may be at elevated risk for postpartum depression symptoms,” researchers concluded. The findings of the 1,066-woman study were published online Aug. 15 in the Journal of Affective Disorders.
Related Links:
— “Link found between gestational diabetes, postpartum depression risk, “Savannah Demko, Healio, September 11, 2018.
Nearly 30 Percent Of Outpatient Opioid Prescriptions Lack Medical Explanation, Research Indicates
NBC News (9/11, Fox) reports on its website that according to research published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, a review of medical records from 2006 to 2015 “showed that a physician gave no explanation at all for writing an opioid prescription in 29 percent of the cases.” The findings by researchers at Harvard Medical School and the Rand Corp. “help support criticism by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Food and Drug Administration and others that say inappropriate prescribing practices have helped drive the opioid crisis.”
The Boston Globe (9/10, Finucane) reports “inappropriate prescribing, bad recordkeeping, or a combination of both were possible reasons for the missing data, according to the researchers.” Study author Tisamarie Sherry said, “Whatever the reasons, lack of robust documentation undermines our efforts to understand physician prescribing patterns and curtails our ability to stem overprescribing.”
Related Links:
— “Doctors gave no reason for a third of opioid prescriptions, study finds, “Maggie Fox, NBC News, September 10, 2018.
Suicides In Children Aged 11 And Younger Are On The Rise, CDC Data Indicate
According to USA Today (9/10, O’Donnell), fifty-three “children aged 11 and younger took their lives in 2016, the last year for which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has data.” The reasons behind the increase are unclear, but as investigators “look more closely, themes are beginning to emerge.” For example, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, “which can make impulsive youth still more impulsive, was a common characteristic found in a 2016 study” published in Pediatrics “by researchers from Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus,” as were “arguments or disagreements with family members and friends.” Depression, unlike in adult suicides, “didn’t appear to be a major factor” in child suicides.
Related Links:
— “More children are dying by suicide. Researchers are asking why, “Jayne O’Donnell, USA Today, September 10, 2018.
Nearly One In 10 US Suicide Deaths May Occur In People With Chronic Pain, Researchers Say
Reuters (9/10, Carroll) reports, “Nearly one in 10 suicide deaths in the U.S. occurs in people with chronic pain,” research indicated.
MedPage Today (9/10, Monaco) reports that in the “large, retrospective study,” investigators arrived at this conclusion after “using death certificates and related records as a data source on contributing factors.” Specifically, “among more than 120,000 suicide deaths from 2003 to 2014, 8.8% of decedents age 10 and older had evidence of chronic pain, according to Emiko Petrosky, MD, MPH, of the CDC in Atlanta, and colleagues.” The findings were published online Sept. 11 in the Annals of Internal Medicine.
According to HealthDay (9/10, Preidt), an accompanying editorial “noted that the role of opioids in suicide risk should be explored and suicide prevention should be a component of care for those suffering from chronic pain.” Healio (9/10, Tedesco) also covers the study.
Related Links:
— “Chronic pain may contribute to suicide, study warns, “Linda Carroll, Reuters, September 10, 2018.
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