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Retinopathy May Be Linked To Cognitive Decline

CNN (2/28, Scutti) reports researchers found that “small changes in the blood vessels within our eyes at age 60 can foretell a significant loss of memory over the next couple of decades.”

Medscape (2/28, McNamara) reports researchers used “fundus photography, which takes images of the interior surface of the eye, including the retina,” and “found retinopathy was associated with faster cognitive decline over a 20-year period vs no retinopathy.” Some 12,317 older adults were included in the study. The findings were published online in the journal Neurology. HealthDay (2/28, Thompson) also covers the study.

Related Links:

— “These health problems can be predicted with a look into your eyes,” Susan Scutti, CNN, March 1, 2018.

More Than Half Of LGBTQ Youths Struggle With Eating Disorders

The Huffington Post (3/1, Herreria) reports on a new survey (pdf) by The Trevor Project which “found that more than 50 percent of LGBTQ youths who participated in its national survey had been diagnosed with an eating disorder.” Among respondents to the “first of its kind” survey of 1,034 self-identified LGBTQ individuals ages 13 to 24, “71 percent of trans respondents had been diagnosed with an eating disorder, with anorexia being the most common disorder.” The article says that about 58 percent of respondents diagnosed with an eating disorder also considered suicide, according to the survey.

Related Links:

— “Over 50% Of LGBTQ Youths Struggle With Eating Disorders, Survey Finds,” Carla Herreria, Huffington Post, March 1, 2018.

Writer Details Her Ongoing Struggle With Panic Disorder

In an essay in the New York Times (1/24, Lyons, Subscription Publication) “Disability” series, writer Gila Lyons details her ongoing up-and-down struggle with panic disorder. She writes that while “physical disabilities are understood and written into law and accommodated…mental illnesses are stigmatized, nebulous to measure and accommodate, and often seen as a fault in the person, rather than an uncontrollable physical reality.”

Currently, “consensus among the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the National Institute of Mental Health and the American Psychiatric Association points to mental illness as significant changes in thinking, feeling or behavior coupled with an inability to function in daily life in terms of self-care, maintaining jobs and relationships.”

Lyons reminds readers, “The Americans With Disabilities Act protects those with both physical and mental disabilities by ensuring they have fair and equal access to employment, housing, transportation and governmental services,” while “the Social Security Administration recognizes anxiety disorders, along with eight other categories of mental disorders, as conditions that qualify for disability benefits.”

Related Links:

— “When Life Gave Me Lemons, I Had a Panic Attack,” Gila Lyons, New York Times, January 24, 2018.

LGBTQ Advocate Describes His Childhood Experiences Undergoing Conversion Therapy

In an opinion piece in the New York Times (1/24, Subscription Publication) called “I Was Tortured In Gay Conversion Therapy. And It’s Still Legal In 41 States,” Sam Brinton, “the head of advocacy and government affairs at the Trevor Project, which provides crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ youth,” writes about his own personal experiences as a child undergoing “hurtful” conversion therapy.

Brinton observes, “Every prominent professional health association…opposes the use of conversion therapy on youth, calling it harmful and ineffective.” Brinton, who says he is “proudly bisexual and gender fluid,” calls for the passage of “legislation to stop licensed therapists who seek to harm LGBTQ youth with conversion therapy.”

Related Links:

— “I Was Tortured in Gay Conversion Therapy. And It’s Still Legal in 41 States,” Sam Brinton, New York Times, January 24, 2018.

Trump Administration proposes eliminating essential mental health benefits

The New York Times (1/4, Pear, Subscription Publication) reports that on Thursday, the Trump Administration unveiled “sweeping new rules that could make it easier for small businesses to band together and create health insurance plans that would be exempt from many of the consumer protections mandated by the Affordable Care Act.” According to the Labor Department, up to 11 million consumers “could find coverage under this proposal,” which would exempt small businesses from providing certain “‘essential health benefits’ like mental health care, emergency services, maternity and newborn care and prescription drugs.” The article says “consumer groups, state officials and Blue Cross and Blue Shield plans have strenuously opposed similar ideas for years.”

The Washington Post (1/4, Goldstein) reports that this proposal “would carry out the most significant part of an executive order that President Trump signed in October, directing the government to foster more alternative types of insurance.” Advocates maintain “the so-called association health plans would be less expensive, while critics – including the insurance industry – fear that they would promote substandard coverage and weaken the ACA’s already fragile insurance marketplaces.”

The Wall Street Journal (1/4, Armour, Subscription Publication) reports that this proposal is an attempt by the Trump Administration to roll back ACA provisions by using regulations. Critics warn that by excluding some types of coverage, the plans would be able to discriminate against certain groups, such as cancer patients.

Related Links:

— “Trump Proposes New Health Plan Options for Small Businesses,” ROBERT PEAR, New York Times, January 4, 2018.

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