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Opioid-Related Hospitalizations Increasing Faster Among Women

HealthDay (6/21, Preidt) reports, “Opioid-related hospitalizations among women in the United States increased far faster than among men between 2005 and 2014,” according to the U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). Data indicate “hospitalizations involving opioid painkillers or heroin rose 75 percent” among women versus 55 percent among men.

Related Links:

— “Opioid-Linked Hospitalizations Rising Fastest for Women: Study,” Robert Preidt, HealthDay, June 21, 2017.

Treating Depression, COPD In Patients With Both May Reduce ED Use, Hospitalizations

MedPage Today (6/21, Boyles) reports, “Treating depression and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in patients with both conditions reduced hospital emergency department (ED)” use “and hospitalizations,” researchers found in an analysis of Medicare data including some 16,075 beneficiaries. The findings were published in the August issue of Respiratory Medicine.

Related Links:

— “Study Looks at ‘Interplay’ of COPD and Depression Meds,” Salynn Boyles, MedPage Today, June 21, 2017.

Suicide Rate Among US Farmers Remains Much Higher Than Among Other Workers

HealthDay (6/21, Preidt) reports that about 20 years “after the US farm crisis, the suicide rate among American farmers remains much higher than among other workers,” researchers found. The study revealed that between 1992 and 2010, “230 US farmers died by suicide.” Farmers “in the West had the highest rate, accounting for 43 percent of all farmer suicides, followed by those in the Midwest (37 percent), the South (13 percent), and the Northeast (6 percent).” The findings were published online May 2 in the Journal of Rural Health.

Related Links:

— “Suicide Risk Especially High for U.S. Farmers,” Robert Preidt, HealthDay, June 21, 2017.

In Typical US Week, 25 Children Die Of Gunshot Wounds, Researchers Say

The New York Times (6/19, Bakalar, Subscription Publication) reports that “25 children die from bullet wounds” in an average week in the United States, according to “researchers writing in the journal Pediatrics” who “analyzed data gathered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and by the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System.” The Times says researchers found that African-American children had “nearly 10 times” the annual rate of firearm homicides found among whites, and white children had “almost four times” the suicide rate found among blacks. The article quotes lead author and CDC behavioral scientist Katherine A. Fowler as saying, “There isn’t a single issue in isolation that increases the likelihood of gun death.”

USA Today (6/19, Rossman) reports that, in an average day, the study revealed that “19 children in the United States are either killed or injured by a firearm.” In addition, the CDC found “a 60% increase in kids aged 10 to 17 committing suicide with a firearm” from 2007 to 2014. The article says Fowler recommends street outreach programs and school programs to reduce street gun violence and help children manage emotions that lead to gun violence.

Related Links:

— “A Dire Weekly Total for the U.S.: 25 Children Killed by Guns,”Nicholas Bakalar, The New York Times, June 19, 2017.

Young Women In The US Poorer, More Likely To Commit Suicide Than Their Mothers And Grandmothers, Report Finds

The Los Angeles Times (6/19, Simmons) reports that young women in the US “are poorer than their mothers and grandmothers were when they were young, more likely to commit suicide and be shut out of high-paying tech jobs – an overall demise in well-being since the Baby Boom generation, according to” the findings of a report from the Population Reference Bureau. The report, called “Losing Ground: Young Women’s Well Being Across Generations in the United States,” revealed that “social and structural barriers continue to obstruct the advancement of female members of Generation X and millennials.”

Related Links:

— “Young American women are poorer than their moms and grandmas, and more likely to commit suicide,”Ann M. Simmons, Los Angeles Times , June 19, 2017.

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