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Nearly Three Million US Teens Suffered Major Bout Of Depression In Just One Year
HealthDay (7/7, Dallas) reports that during the period 2013 to 2014, nearly three “million US teens suffered a major bout of depression,” newly released research from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) reveals. In fact, “the overall rate of depression among young people jumped to 11 percent between 2013 and 2014, up from 9.9 percent the previous year, the SAMHSA report found.”
Related Links:
— “Depression Strikes Nearly 3 Million U.S. Teens a Year,” Mary Elizabeth Dallas, HealthDay, July , 2016.
Data Indicate 20 Veterans Per Day Committed Suicide In 2014
USA Today (7/7, Zoroya) reports new data from the Department of Veterans Affairs show that on average, 20 veterans committed suicide daily in 2014. The article says this figure is “the first actual count of suicides among former service members,” and points out that the 2010 average of 22 suicides per day was an estimate. David Shulkin, VA undersecretary for health, highlighted “the slight decline from the 2010 estimate, but added, ‘it’s still far too high.’” The piece adds that according to the figures, the highest number of suicides occurred among male veterans aged 18-29, who had a suicide rate of 86 per 100,000 people; female veterans in that age group had a rate of 33 per 100,000, but the national average is 13 per 100,000 people.
Related Links:
— “20 veterans a day committed suicide in 2014, new data show,” Gregg Zoroya, USA Today, July 7, 2016.
Telemedicine Most Helpful For Remote Monitoring And Psychotherapy
Healthcare IT News (7/5, Lagasse) reports telemedicine may be most helpful when used to remotely monitor patients with certain chronic conditions, such as cardiovascular and respiratory disease, as well as for conducting psychotherapy as part of a behavioral health treatment, according to a research review conducted by the US Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. The AHRQ reviewed “58 systematic reviews amid a substantial volume of research on telemedicine” with the aim of finding the situations where the practice was most effective. Researchers looked for instances in which telemedicine programs reduced costs and improved patient outcomes.
Related Links:
— “Telehealth sweet spot? Remote monitoring of patients with cardiovascular or respiratory disease, AHRQ says,” Jeff Lagasse, Healthcare IT News, July , 2016.
Rural Residents Rely On Telemedicine For Psychiatric, Specialty Care
Forbes (7/5, Burns) reports the University of Missouri “has been providing psychiatric and counseling services via telemedicine to patients around the state,” and a recent study “by the University of Missouri School of Medicine revealed that the video-based mental health services are being utilized in mostly rural areas by individuals who might otherwise need to travel upwards of 20 miles for support, and whose average age is 16.” Healthcare administrators across the country are looking to use telehealth for help curb opioid abuse, improve women’s access to sexual and reproductive health support, and could potentially turn to the technology to benefit children and teens looking for counseling.
Related Links:
— “Families In Rural Areas Using Telemedicine For Psychiatric, Specialty Care,” Janet Burns, Forbes, July , 2016.
CMS Now Allowing Medicaid To Pay For Mental Health Treatments For Adults
Modern Healthcare (7/5, Dickson, Subscription Publication) reports ever since Medicaid was created in 1965, it “has excluded payment for institutions of mental disease (IMDs) for beneficiaries 21 and over,” and the majority of “residential treatment facilities for mental health and substance use disorders with more than 16 beds did not qualify for Medicaid reimbursement.” On July 5, that five-decade ban was lifted, but experts say it will take some time before beneficiaries can take advantage of the change. According to Andrew Sperling, director of legislative affairs for NAMI, “No radical change is expected July 5th as plans need to contract with facilities and those agreements may not kick in until the next contract year.”
Related Links:
— “Medicaid plans can now pay mental health institutions. Most won’t until 2017,” Virgil Dickson, Modern Healthcare, July 5, 2016.
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