Poll Suggests The Coronavirus Pandemic Has Taken A Toll On The Mental Health Of Many Young Adults In The US

The AP (9/11, Mumphrey, Kelleher) reported “the coronavirus pandemic has taken a harsh toll on the mental health of young Americans, according to” the latest COVID Response Tracking Study conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago. According to the poll, 56% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 34 “say they have at least sometimes felt isolated in the past month, compared with about 4 in 10 older Americans.” In addition, 25% “of young adults rate their mental health as fair or poor, compared with 13% of older adults, while 56% of older adults say their mental health is excellent or very good, compared with just 39% of young adults.”

Forbes (9/11, Durkee) reports that back in April, a poll from the APA “found that 36% of Americans believed the pandemic had taken a ‘serious toll’ on their mental health, while an August survey from the Commonwealth Fund found that approximately one-third of Americans reported negative mental health issues – far more than in the other countries surveyed.”

Related Links:

— “Poll: Pandemic takes toll on mental health of young adults “Cheyanne Mumphrey and Jennifer Sinco Kellehe, AP, September 11, 2020

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