Researchers Examine Association Between Remote School And Child Mental Health

Healio (9/15, VanDewater) reports, “Remote school may do more harm to the mental health of older and Black and Hispanic kids and those from lower-income families,” researchers concluded in a “nationally representative, cross-sectional study” that “surveyed 2,324 adults aged 18 to 64 years who had at least one child aged two to 17 years living at home from Dec. 2, 2020, to Dec. 21, 2020, about the child’s mental health challenges (emotional problems, peer problems, conduct, hyperactivity) and whether they were receiving remote, in-person or hybrid instruction.” The findings were published online Sept. 3 in JAMA Network Open.

Related Links:

— “Remote learning impact on mental health may vary by age, race, ethnicity, family income “Kalie VanDewater, Healio, September 15, 2021

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