Resilience, Strong Sense Of Gratitude Were Significantly Linked To Self-Reported Successful Aging Among US Veterans With Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, Study Finds

Psychiatric News (8/21) reports, “Resilience and a strong sense of gratitude were significantly associated with self-reported successful aging among U.S. veterans with depression, anxiety, and/or posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), according to” a study. Investigators also observed that “somatic symptoms, such as pain, were negatively associated with successful aging, but veterans with more somatic symptoms who also had higher degrees of gratitude were significantly more likely to report successful aging.” The findings were published in the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.

Related Links:

— “Resilience and Gratitude Linked to Successful Aging Among Vets With Mental Disorders, Psychiatric News, August 21, 2024

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