Retinopathy May Be Linked To Cognitive Decline

CNN (2/28, Scutti) reports researchers found that “small changes in the blood vessels within our eyes at age 60 can foretell a significant loss of memory over the next couple of decades.”

Medscape (2/28, McNamara) reports researchers used “fundus photography, which takes images of the interior surface of the eye, including the retina,” and “found retinopathy was associated with faster cognitive decline over a 20-year period vs no retinopathy.” Some 12,317 older adults were included in the study. The findings were published online in the journal Neurology. HealthDay (2/28, Thompson) also covers the study.

Related Links:

— “These health problems can be predicted with a look into your eyes,” Susan Scutti, CNN, March 1, 2018.

Posted in In The News.