Slim Evidence, Sadly, That Eating Dark Chocolate Might Positively Affect Mood and Relieve Depressive Symptoms

Medscape (8/9, Brooks, Subscription Publication) reported, “Eating dark chocolate may positively affect mood and relieve depressive symptoms, new research suggests.” Investigators “at University College London in the United Kngdom found that individuals who reported eating any dark chocolate in two 24-hour periods had 70% lower odds of reporting clinically relevant depressive symptoms compared to their counterparts who reported no chocolate consumption.” Still, “at least one expert said that at this point, the findings, although intriguing, are no more than food for thought and should not change dietary habits.” The study was published in Depression and Anxiety.

Related Links:

— “Sweet News: Dark Chocolate Tied to Lower Depression Risk, “Megan Brooks, Medscape (Subscription Publication), August 09, 2019

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