Social Media Having Particularly Pernicious Effect In Communities With High Rates Of Gun Violence

KFF Health News (8/25, Szabo) reported on the problem of social media’s “role in escalating gun violence.” The article interviewed a number of experts who “note that social media can have a particularly pernicious effect in communities with high rates of gun violence.” Now, “at a time when virtually every teen has a cellphone, many have access to guns, and many are coping with mental and emotional health crises, some say it’s not surprising that violence features so heavily in children’s social media feeds.” For that reason, police departments “search social media after the fact to gather evidence against those involved in violence,” and certain programs “monitor influential social media accounts in their communities to de-escalate conflicts.”

Related Links:

— “‘All We Want Is Revenge’: How Social Media Fuels Gun Violence Among Teens,”Liz Szabo, KFF Health News , August 25, 2023

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