The Washington Post (4/8, Johnson) “Wonkblog” reported that “a growing body of evidence suggests that…ignoring the cost” of cancer care “could be harmful to patients’ health.” Research suggest that “financial toxicity” that “stem[s] from dealing with cancer can lead people to avoid or delay care or drugs…and also may cause stress that can lead to mental and physical health problems.”
In a front-page story, the Washington Post (4/9, McGinley) reported on the efforts of so-called financial navigators in helping cancer patients across the US “survive financially as well as medically…from the time of diagnosis and continuing through the twists and turns of a protracted illness.” Despite the expansion of coverage through the ACA, “many Americans are underinsured, with out-of-pocket expenses outstripping their ability to pay,” researchers say.
Related Links:
— “The burden of cancer isn’t just cancer,” Carolyn Y. Johnson, Washington Post, April 8, 2016.