HealthDay (8/21, Preidt) reported, “Eating disorders – such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia and binge-eating disorder – cost the U.S. economy nearly $65 billion in one recent year,” investigators concluded in a study that also revealed that “about 75% of that ($48.6 billion) was due to lost productivity.” The study “team found that there were nearly 54,000 emergency department visits due to eating disorders in fiscal year 2018 to 2019, costing $29 million, and over 23,500 in-patient hospitalizations due to eating disorders, costing $209 million.” The findings were disclosed in “a news release from the Academy for Eating Disorders.”
Related Links:
— “Eating Disorders Cost Billions in the U.S., “Robert Preidt, HealthDay, August 21, 2020