Study Observes High Prevalence Of Medical Debt Among Adults With Depression, Anxiety

HCPlive (7/19, Derman) reported, “A new study observed the high prevalence of medical debt among adults with depression and anxiety, a factor that may prevent people from receiving mental health care.” Compared to people “without the respective mental disorders, medical debt was more prevalent among adults with lifetime depression…lif etime anxiety…curren t depression…and current anxiety.” Additionally, “medical debt was linked to delayed health care among adults with lifetime depression…lif etime anxiety…curren t depression…and current anxiety…compar ed to participants without mental disorders.” The findings were published in JAMA Psychiatry.

Related Links:

— “Medical Debt Causes Many People to Delay or Forgo Mental Health Care,”Chelsie Derman, HCPlive, July 19, 2024

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