The Washington Post (3/7, Moyer) reports, “Nationwide, suicides among black children under 18 are up 71 percent in the past decade, rising from 86 in 2006 to 147 in 2016, the latest year such data is available from the” CDC. During “that same period, the suicide rate among all children also increased, up 64 percent.”
Meanwhile, the Washington Post (3/7, Moyer) reports according to experts “parents should be on guard for an array of warning signs” that might indicate their child is thinking about suicide. One expert lists “risk factors” to be aware of, including “abuse, head trauma, chronic pain, addiction, mental illness and a family history of mental illness or suicide.”
Related Links:
— “‘HE WAS HAPPY. SO FAR AS I KNOW’,” Justin Wm. Moyer, Washington Post, March 7, 2018.