Support and Donations

The Foundation is committed to providing accurate information about mental health issues, helping people with psychiatric illness, encouraging research and supporting education of mental health professionals and the public.  We hope this partial summary of recent activities leads you to donate generously:

  • We will again fund prizes to local psychiatric residents and early career psychiatrists for their research.
  • MFP has sponsored “Mental Health Matters,” an educational program on a public access television channel.
  • Our longstanding public service announcements on WBAL radio and more recently iHeart media stations and our Baltimore Sunbanner ads continue.  So do our hundreds of informative posts each year on Twitter and our website pertaining to mental health.
  • We present our Anti-Stigma Advocacy Award every year in the spring.
  • We provide funding for CME conferences that address community needs that are often underserved, such as the impact of gun violence on victims and their families, and using treatment models that help people with mental illness avoid inappropriate incarceration.
  • We have launched a prize for “psychiatric heroes.” Please send suggested nominees to the MFP!

With the help of your contribution through any of the means below, we can continue our efforts to destigmatize and demystify mental illness. The Maryland Foundation for Psychiatry is a charitable 501(c)3 organization, and your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. A copy of our current financial statement is available upon request by contacting us at the address or telephone number below.


By clicking the “Donate” button below, you can contribute online using a credit card or your PayPal account. Both payment options are available on the PayPal page you will see next.


Or, if you prefer, you can send a check by U.S. mail:

Maryland Foundation for Psychiatry, Inc.
1211 Cathedral Street
Baltimore, MD 21201
Tel: 410-625-0232